Friday, February 22, 2008

Land of the Blindfolded

When Otsuka Kanade touches someone, it's like a "blindfold" falling, and she's able to see the person's "future". She tries her best to change her best friend's future, but Arou, the person who sees the "past" doesn't agree with her. What is Arou thinking....?
Tomorrow never knows?
Land of the Blindfolded, aka Mekakushi no Kuni, is a 40 chapter shoujo manga by Sakura Tsukuba. It has a very unique and interesting concept, and the story/characters are very engaging. Romance is a key factor. At times the scenes are stolen by a puppy, which is very adorable. The characters are certainly very addictive, and the reader cannot help but be concerned about them. The ending is somewhat abrupt, but leaves good feelings behind.


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